Blogs from February, 2016


One of the most important aspects of injury rehabilitation involves the strengthening of a person’s core muscles. The core or trunk muscles are the network of tissues and musculature surrounding the back and abdominal region, containing the transversus abdominis, the multifidus, the diaphragm, and the pelvic floor. These muscles contract in unison to keep the spine in a stable or neutral position during all movements, preventing injury. In addition, the core muscles transfer and receive impulses between the upper and lower limbs, essentially being used for nearly every movement we experience in our daily lives.

Core strength training is a vital component of injury rehabilitation regimens because it provides stability beneath the affected muscles that provide movement, thereby helping reduce pain in the lower back, sacroiliac joint pain, hamstring, shoulder, and groin. Physical therapists and sports injury specialists strongly emphasize injured individuals to engage in core strengthening exercises to help the surrounding muscles work together more efficiently.

What Are Some Popular Core Strengthening Exercises?

Depending on your specific injury, your therapist will likely recommend you engage in a number of different exercises to reinforce your core stability. It is important to note, however, that you should only engage in the following exercises with the consent of a doctor or therapist to avoid aggravating any existing injuries. If you experience pain at any point while engaging in the following exercises, immediately cease and consult with your therapist.

  • Pelvic Tilts: Lie on the ground with your feet flat on the floor. Place two to three fingers on your hip bones and tilt your pelvis towards your rib cage, thereby flattening your back into the floor. After holding this for approximately two to three seconds, tilt the pelvis in the opposite direction away from your rib cage until your lower back lifts off the ground. Repeat for one minute.
  • Bird Dog: Get down on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees hip-distance apart. Extend your left leg and flex your foot, then simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you with your thumb pointed up at the ceiling. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds and then reverse to engage the opposite side.
  • Hip-Flexion: Lie flat on your back with your knees and hips bent up so there is a small gap between the hollow of your back and the ground. Inhale and raise one leg up while keeping your knee bent so your knee moves toward your chest. When exhaling, lower your leg down to resting position. Do not arch your pelvis or rock your back. Alternate legs and repeat.

Physical Therapists in Monmouth County

If you have suffered an injury and require physical therapy, the Monmouth County physical therapists from ProFysio Physical Therapy can help you rebuild your strength with compassionate and quality care. With custom-tailored rehab regimens for a variety of different conditions, we can help eliminate your pain and get your life in motion.

To find out more what our fellowship trained therapists can do for you, call (732) 333-6360 to schedule a consultation today!

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