Blogs from November, 2017


How to Know if You May Need Concussion Therapy

When you sustain a hard blow to the head or are violently tossed back and forth, your brain may hit the inside wall of your skull. This causes swelling, and throws a wrench into your brain’s metabolic functions, producing the common symptoms of a concussion, which fluctuate in severity and can include any of the following:

  • Amnesia or forgetfulness
  • Sluggishness
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Increased intracranial pressure and headaches
  • Imbalance
  • Sleepiness
  • Slow or slurred speech
  • Difficulty concentrating, answering questions, or following instructions
  • Vomiting
  • Personality changes
  • Muscular weakness
  • Pain and tenderness in head and neck

If you are currently exhibiting any of the following symptoms, even sporadically, seek immediate medical attention. Then, consult with an Impact Concussion Specialist who can provide the concussion therapy you may need. Because many symptoms linger and develop over time, it is essential to have physical therapists regularly monitoring and treating your injury.

How Concussion Therapy Works

Concussion therapy is very different from the physical therapy you might receive after breaking your arm or twisting your ankle. While concussions are highly treatable, merely “taking it easy” isn’t enough to bounce back and make a full recovery. Despite what it may seem, you can’t just turn off your brain. It is always working and serving thousands of functions at once, and the goal of concussion therapy is to help you regain full functionality.

Part of concussion therapy may involve limiting the length of your workday or time spent in class, in order to give you a proper amount of rest. Your physical therapist may also give you specific exercises to do that will help your recovery without creating the potential for further damage. If you are an athlete, your physical therapist can help you regain strength, endurance, and balance, in order to successfully reengage in your sport or regular level of physical activity. You may also undergo vestibular therapy, which specifically addresses the brain connections with the inner ear and can help you reduce dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance.

Experienced Concussion Therapy Provider in Aberdeen

If you are experiencing symptoms of a concussion, be advised that sleeping it off doesn’t work. If you do not seek immediate help in treating your concussion, you may experience additional, unnecessary suffering due to worsened symptoms. Get in touch with our Impact Concussion Specialist and Doctor of Physical Therapy right away by calling ProFysio Physical Therapy.

Call (732) 333-6360 to set up your complimentary evaluation today.

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