How Does Acupuncture Work?
Our team at ProFysio Physical Therapy provides acupuncture therapy in Aberdeen and throughout Monmouth County. While it does not work for everyone or every condition, acupuncture can relieve chronic pain, aid digestion, and even help with inner ear problems like tinnitus.
During acupuncture, we insert small needles into various points throughout the body in order to stimulate the central nervous system. This can activate the body’s chemical responses to pain and increase the flow of blood and important nutrients to areas of the body that may be tight, injured, or imbalanced.
Does Acupuncture Work for Neck Pain?
Acupuncture has been known to provide relief for those suffering from neck and shoulder pain. In addition to releasing endorphins and helping minimize pain by activating the body’s chemical healing responses, it is generally safe to use on sensitive areas like the neck and shoulder.
If you have been in a car accident and are experiencing symptoms of whiplash, acupuncture could be the effective remedy you’re looking for. It may be able to help reduce muscle spasms, alleviate musculoskeletal tension, and even get rid of pain altogether.
Whether you are experiencing troublesome neck pain due to whiplash, desk work, poor posture, or for any other reason, consider trying acupuncture as an alternative when traditional methods are ineffective.
Experienced Acupuncturists & Physical Therapists Serving Monmouth County
At ProFysio Physical Therapy, we provide care for people suffering from all sorts of pain and discomfort. Our Aberdeen physical therapists can help you find a treatment method that works for you and are experienced in a variety of treatment types, including:
- Physical therapy
- Spinal rehab
- Nutritional guidance
- Strengthening and conditioning exercises
- EPAT therapy
- Red Cord therapy
- Graston Technique®
Let us help you get rid of neck pain for good. Call (732) 333-6360 to speak to a member of our team or book your consultation online now.