Blogs from July, 2020


About Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears. It is very common, affecting about 15% of the general population. Most people with chronic tinnitus adjust to the ringing over time, but one in five people find that it impacts their quality of life.

Those who suffer with it often report feeling like their head is full. Symptoms can be mild or severe enough to interfere with daily activities and sleep, especially because it often peaks at night when competing noises are not as prevalent. Tinnitus can be age-related, as hearing tends to deteriorate with age and can result in sensory loss of high-frequency sounds.

Being that it is so common, tinnitus impacts people of every age, and in order to understand how to best treat it, one must first recognize what is causing the noises. Most cases are due to damage to the cochlea, or inner ear, but the way this damage happens can vary. One way is through exposure to loud noises, by one traumatic incident or repeated exposure over time.

Other triggers include obstructions in the middle ear that occur with head congestion, head or neck trauma, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), sinus pressure and barometric trauma, traumatic brain injury and ototoxic drugs. Certain diseases and medical conditions can also cause tinnitus, such as anemia, Lyme Disease, high blood pressure, depression and otosclerosis.

The first step in treating tinnitus is to address the underlying cause. This might involve caring for an ear infection, discontinuing ototoxic medications or seeking treatment for TMJ from our physical therapists at ProFysio.

Home remedies like sound generators that mask ringing noises and tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) may also be implemented. TRT works with the brain’s natural ability to habituate sound and make the invading sounds less noticeable. It has proven to be quite effective, with 76% of patients reporting improvement after using sound generators in a study conducted by Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.

Acupuncture for Tinnitus Treatment

Along with many holistic treatments that yield amazing results, fewer studies have been conducted to verify the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating tinnitus than have been done with traditional methods. However, the studies that have been conducted, on top of patient testimonials, show hope that acupuncture brings a significant reduction in tinnitus symptoms.

Once the root cause of tinnitus has been addressed, ProFysio Physical Therapy can utilize the traditional Chinese practice of acupuncture to provide additional relief. Our professionals will use strategically placed needles that energize the central nervous system to stimulate and bring relief to specific parts of the body called “meridians.” In this case, the focus would be on the nerves of the head, neck and surrounding the ears.

If you would like to see what acupuncture can do for you and your tinnitus symptoms, our physical therapists will work with you to provide a comprehensive plan designed just for you.

To set up a consultation, call us at (732) 812-5200 or contact us online today!