How You Can Live a Healthier, More Active Life with Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a field of healthcare that focuses on restoring and maintaining movement and physical function following an injury, surgical procedure, or illness. In addition to treating physical ailments, regular physical therapy treatments can be used to prevent future injury or disability by strengthening areas that are vulnerable to weakness or strain.
To learn more about the benefits of regular physical therapy for health and wellness, consult with a dedicated member of our team today. Give us a call at (732) 812-5200 to schedule an appointment.
Physical Therapists Work to Improve Quality of Life
The goal of physical therapy is to improve the quality of life for those who are living with pain or limited mobility by providing treatments that can help to restore movement, reduce discomfort, and prevent further injury.
Physical therapists assist patients with the following and more:
- Regaining mobility
- Restoring strength and flexibility
- Reducing pain naturally, without the use of medications or invasive procedures
- Increasing independence in daily activities
- Improving balance, gait, and posture
In addition to personalized exercise and stretching plans, your physical therapist may also utilize manual techniques, such as therapeutic massage and muscle manipulation to relieve pain, improve joint motion, and allow for more comfortable movement. Additional therapies may be recommended as needed, such as laser therapy, cupping, dry needling, Graston technique, and more. Your physical therapist may also collaborate with other healthcare professionals to create a treatment plan that addresses all of your medical needs.
Health and Physical Activity Go Hand-In-Hand
Regular physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can help to reduce the risk of serious diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. In addition to numerous physical health benefits, regular physical activity can also improve mental health and wellbeing. People who are physically active tend to have better self-esteem, improved sleep, and lower stress levels. Physical therapy has been proven to aid in reducing blood pressure and recovery time, in addition to enhancing physical function and movement capabilities.
Even small amounts of physical activity each day can significantly improve your overall health. Your physical therapist can help you understand which activities are most suitable for your specific needs and goals.
Schedule a Consultation Today
At ProFysio Physical Therapy, we offer safe and effective treatment methods to help you feel your best. If you or a loved one is in need of physical therapy, our caring and compassionate team is here for you. Contact us at (732) 812-5200 to schedule a consultation.