Dr. Liliane Scafidi
Doctor of Physical TherapyAbout
Dr. Liliane Scafidi earned her Bachelors of Science in Physical Therapy in Brazil, where she specialized in orthopedics and trauma. Dr. Lilane then earned her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Montana University. She continued her studies and completed a one year clinical residency in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy at the Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, affiliated with Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and Boston University. Whether you have a chronic condition or an acute problem, Dr. Liliane will perform a thorough evaluation to diagnose your movement disorder and design a treatment plan for success. Dr. Liliane treats every patient as an individual and considers all of their needs, including their physical problems, to help every patient achieve their goals. She will make sure the program created will address your needs to get you back to optimal health. Dr. Lilliane combines advanced manual therapy techniques and procedures with an ultra caring and empathetic approach to patient care. In addition, Dr. Lili is fluent in English and Portuguese.
Conditions Treated
● Low back pain (disc dysfunction, joint dysfunction, muscle spasm, spinal instability)
● Hip pain (osteoarthritis, FAI, gluteal tendinopathy, total hip replacement)
● Knee pain (post-operative reconstruction, meniscus tear, patellar tendonitis, osteoarthritis, total knee replacement )
● Foot & ankle pain (Achilles tendinopathy, medial tibial stress syndrome, plantar fasciitis, sprains/strains)
● Neck pain (disc dysfunction, joint dysfunction, muscle spasm, spinal instability)
● Shoulder pain (osteoarthritis, pre/post operative rotator cuff and labrum tears, total shoulder replacement, impingement syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome)
● Elbow pain (medial and lateral epicondylalgia)
● Wrist and hand pain (carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains/strains, fracture)
Treatments Utilized
● Kaltenborn manual therapy techniques and methods
● Mckenzie manual therapy techniques
● Spine and extremity mobilization/manipulation
● Kinesiotaping
● Medical Exercise Therapy
- Bachelors of Science in Physical Therapy from ACE Faculdade de Ciencias de saude de Joinville, Brazil. Specialization in orthopedics and trauma (1999)
- Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Montana (2012)
- Clinical Residency in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy at the Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, (IOMT), affiliated with Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston University.
Doctoral Education
- Clinical Decision Making: Guide to Physical Therapy practice.
- Pharmacology in Rehabilitation.
- Legal and Ethical Issues for PT’s: Consideration in Risk Management, Business and Marketing.
- Medical Imaging in Rehabilitation.
- Coding and Reimbursement.
- Professionalism: The Doctoring Profession.
- Screening for Medical Disorders
- Critical Assessment and Application of Best Evidence.
- Capstone Research Project: A Multifaceted Treatment Approach to the MAnagement of Thoracic Pain in PostPartum Patient: A case Report.
Post-Graduate Education & Certifications
- Hand Therapy Internship at the Cleveland Clinic Naples ,Florida. There she followed patients from presurgical to surgery and post surgical hand rehabilitation.
- Neuro pain Science Education
- Spanish for health care providers
- Portuguese/English certified medical Interpreter.