Dr. Ruhbaan Zubair
Doctor of Physical TherapyAbout
Dr. Ruhbaan Zubair earned her Bachelors of Science Degree in Exercise Science and Kinesiology from Rutgers University. She then went on to obtain her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Rutgers University. She is experienced in a variety of orthopedic conditions with manual therapy techniques and therapeutic exercise. Dr. Ruhbaan is passionate about providing personalized care for each patient to improve their functional abilities, promote independence, and achieve their individual goals.
Conditions Treated:
- Radiculopathies
- Sports Injuries
- Pre-post operative injuries
- Injury prevention
- Low back pain (disc dysfunction, joint dysfunction, muscle spasm, spinal instability)
- Hip pain (osteoarthritis, gluteal tendinopathy, total hip replacement)
- Knee pain (post-operative reconstruction, meniscus tear, patellar tendonitis, osteoarthritis, total knee replacement )
- Foot & ankle pain (Achilles tendinopathy, medial tibial stress syndrome, plantar fasciitis, sprains/strains)
- Neck pain (disc dysfunction, joint dysfunction, muscle spasm, spinal instability)
- Shoulder pain (osteoarthritis, pre/post operative rotator cuff and labrum tears, total shoulder replacement, impingement syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome)
- Elbow pain (medial and lateral epicondylalgia)
- Wrist and hand pain (carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains/strains, fracture)
- Neurological conditions (stroke, Parkinson’s, Spinal cord injury)
- Amputations and prosthetic limbs
Treatment Utilized:
- Range of motion expert
- Manual therapy procedures
- Soft tissue mobilization and stretching
- Strengthening and conditioning
- Functional Exercise prescription
- Balance training
- Gait analysis and training
- Bachelors of Science Degree in Exercise Science and Kinesiology from Rutgers University
- Doctor of Physical Therapy Rutgers University
Doctoral Education:
- Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I-III
- Neuromuscular Physical Therapy I-III
- Cardiovascular Physical Therapy I-II
- Pulmonology Physical Therapy I-II
- PT Interventions I-II
- Gross Anatomy
- Kinesiology and Biomechanics I & II
- Pathophysiology I & II
- Geriatric PT
- Differential Diagnosis
- Prosthetics and Orthotics
- Pediatric PT